gogobloke 發表於 2012-10-25 12:43:39


請問海德堡哪裡有賣水果乾啊 曼海姆也可以

主要找葡萄 草莓 芒果 楊桃 想做一些甜點
有去過BISMARCK附近 REWE對面的亞超找過沒有

phosu 發表於 2012-10-25 16:45:11

In the german Supermakrt. At the nuts section, they are usually packed in platic bags.You might find raisins and dry mangos, and mixed dry berries with possible strawberries.
Black sesame would be difficult to be found. But i have seen them in some BIOladen. If you want the paste, you might try to ground the seeds on your own.
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