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本周市區交通會有不便喔!(16 May~20 May)

發表於 2012-5-15 21:23:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

From Frankfurt-on-Foot's page: "As some of our readers may be aware, there are quite a few demonstrations planned in Frankfurt this week. We will try and keep you up to date on closures. At present, the Taunusanlage S-bahn station is closed until 04:00 on Sun. The Willy-Brandt U-bahn station will be closed Wed. thru Sun. including the stops for trams # 11 & 12. A Rave will take place on the Hauptwache on Wed. the 16th at 1900, so suggest avoiding this area on Wed. The Opera Platz may be blocked all day Thur. & Fri. and the Goethe Platz will also be blocked on Fri. The whole downtown & inner city may be affected by this, so plan your day wisely and hope that the protesters act peacefully and in a mature manner." I've heard that banking employers (in particular) are redirecting their staff to work in backup sites outside the city center. If you are going into the city, best not to wear anything business like, or display any sort of security cards.

http://www.blockupy.org/ for information in german (english link appears to be broken)

[ 本文最後由 schoko 於 2012-5-15 21:24 編輯 ]


參與人數 2現金 +4 短評 +1 收起 理由
kb8mj23 + 2 + 1 實用資訊
eva80231 + 2 感謝分享. 本來還計畫要明天去法蘭的..... ...


發表於 2012-5-15 23:36:58 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2012-5-16 20:15:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Todays' update:
the University has closed,
the city cancelled all their tours,
the Apfelwine Express won't be running on Sat.
and the Tourist info is closed,
plus all the weddings that were scheduled, have to now go get married someplace else.
Frankfurt on Foot will still be touring, but we will avoid the protest areas. So far, the whole thing has been pretty peaceful.


GMT+1, 2024-5-4 05:03

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